1. The swastika was used at least 5,000 years before Adolf Hitler designed the Nazi flag.            True      False

2. The swastika originally was derived from the Sanskrit word “svastika” in the Indian culture.  True      False

3. The swastika actually represents affluence, happiness, comfort, safety and even good luck.   True     False

4. The origin of the swastika can be traced to the Neolithic age.                                                         True     False

5. The swastika represented the revolving sun, fire, and leisure in Persia.                                         True     False

6. In India, the swastika is used on wedding invitations and cards.                                                      True     False

7. The swastika is a religious symbol for the Hindus.                                                                               True     False

8. Because the Nazis exploited the symbol,  swastika is no longer considered a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism.                                                                                                                True     False                                              

9.  The swastika was a symbol of “Aryan identity” and German nationalist pride.                             True     False

10.  A potent symbol intended to elicit pride among Aryans, the swastika also struck terror into                                                     Jews and others deemed enemies of Nazi Germany.                                                                                            True     False